Tag: Planning for Retirement
How Much Money Do You Need To Save For Retirement?

How much money do you really need to save to retire comfortably? For many people, this question causes a lot of anxiety. On the one hand, you want to save enough so that you don’t run out of money after you’ve stopped working. Your retirement account should be large enough to cover you for the rest of […]
7 Tools To Build Wealth After 50

There is an old joke in my office that goes like this: Everybody can retire in 15 years starting with nothing. I can prove it. Most people overspend until their birthday has a 5 in front of it. Then they panic. OMG! I have only 15 years until retirement! And then they get serious and […]
5 Wealth Management Tips For Heading Towards A Comfortable Retirement

Most consumers know that planning for retirement takes a lifetime. While it’s more fun for consumers who are still working to focus on what they want to do with their new-found time, what they should be thinking about is wealth management. Read on to find five tips for how to save for a comfortable retirement. […]
10 Things You Need To Know About Retirement

Retirement is something many of us don’t think much about, until it becomes our turn. We all tend to think it shouldn’t be of much importance now, especially while we are young and active. That’s wrong! In fact, it should be one of the things we seriously consider as we go through life. Emile, a […]
5 Tips For Parents To Help Their Kids Get Started With Retirement Planning

It’s a whole new world for recent college graduates entering the workforce. Their priorities have changed; now bills, rent, and student loans lead their monthly list. Retirement planning ranks low as a priority for many young people in the early stages of their careers. About two-thirds of Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, according to […]
Don’t Assume You Will Magically Retire…

Never assume that you will magically become financially stable. Financial freedom is the result of careful and meticulous planning. Contributing 3-5% to your 401k likely won’t be enough. This is especially true if you start investing late or not knowing what funds you are investing in. Figure out how much you need for retirement and […]
How To Plan For Retirement When You’re Self Employed

Many people are choosing self-employment over working at a traditional 9-5 job these days and I don’t blame them. About a year ago, I left my 9-5 to become a full-time blogger and freelance writer and it’s been great. I’m much happier with the work I’m doing now. But, it’s not all unicorns and rainbows. […]