The Wealthy Accountant

Keith Schroeder is the tax adviser of Mr. Money Mustache and other influential personal finance bloggers. He lives in NE Wisconsin on a farm with his wife and daughters enjoying the natural world. His accounting firm has served the community for over 30 years. He also writes The Wealthy Accountant blog and is the highest net worth blogger listed on Rockstar Finance.

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5 Laws Of Human Stupidity

| June 27, 2024
5 Laws Of Human Stupidity

We see stupidity while driving. People discussing religion or politics also get labeled as stupid if we don’t agree with them. In personal finance we have the so-called “smart money” crowd. The phrase usually applies to high net worth investors and institutions. Somehow these people are considered “smart” by default. It can also mean everyone […]

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Dealing With The Emotions Of A Volatile Stock Market

| November 16, 2023
Dealing With The Emotions Of A Volatile Stock Market

Recent volatility in the stock market has people reassessing their appetite for risk. Investing in a bull market is easy as it seems the only way equities go is up. The recent bull market has an added way of lulling people into a false sense of security. Last year many indexes never saw even a […]

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7 Tools To Build Wealth After 50

| July 27, 2021
7 Tools To Build Wealth After 50

There is an old joke in my office that goes like this: Everybody can retire in 15 years starting with nothing. I can prove it. Most people overspend until their birthday has a 5 in front of it. Then they panic. OMG! I have only 15 years until retirement! And then they get serious and […]

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10 Early Retirement Considerations

| May 18, 2021
10 Early Retirement Considerations

Before taking the plunge into retirement, early or traditional, you need to consider factors that will reflect the rest of your life. Handled correctly, early retirement can be a fulfilling blessing. Without proper planning you risk a return to employment you wanted to get away from. Retirement means different things to different people. Some want […]

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Why The Economy Will Struggle To Restart

| April 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
Why The Economy Will Struggle To Restart

Restarting the economy is going to be more difficult than it was stopping it. A vigorous discussion on the topic is desperately needed as many feel talking about opening the economy is akin to reigniting the infection rate, when in reality, the discussion is needed to formulate an appropriate and workable plan. Talking about restarting […]

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The Fuzzy Math Behind COVID-19

| March 19, 2020 | 0 Comments
The Fuzzy Math Behind COVID-19

Fear is the most powerful weapon in war. Hitler deployed buzz bombs against London in an attempt to destroy resolve and heighten fear during World War II. It nearly worked, if not for the even greater resolve of the British people and their leader, Winston Churchill. Fear is such a powerful weapon that nations will go to […]

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Recovering From Financial Mistakes Like The Wealthy

| March 22, 2019 | 0 Comments
Recovering From Financial Mistakes Like The Wealthy

Regardless how experienced or educated you are, you will still make financial mistakes, some of them humdingers. Personal finance blogs and media outlets frequently share basic financial mistakes to avoid: spend less than you earn, invest in index funds, avoid debt and so forth. All this is good advice, but it goes a lot deeper […]

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