How AI Will Change U.S. Infrastructure Forever

| May 23, 2024
How AI Will Change U.S. Infrastructure Forever

Recently, the AI discussion has taken a turn with the realization that the production of advanced AI chips and the building of massive data centers to house those chips will dramatically increase the amount of electric power needed in the U.S. A recent forecast change by Georgia Power illustrates how much power demand will grow […]

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Three Top Cryptocurrency ETFs

| April 2, 2024
Three Top Cryptocurrency ETFs

In January, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the first 11 spot-bitcoin exchange-traded funds, and they have been quite popular with investors. However, they are not the only options for those looking to tap into the fast-growing cryptocurrency industry. Several other ETFs invest in companies that in some way serve the industry. These ETFs might be […]

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Understanding Mutual Funds: A Beginner’s Guide To Investment Diversity

| March 5, 2024
Understanding Mutual Funds: A Beginner’s Guide To Investment Diversity

Q: What are Mutual Funds and How Do They Work? A: Imagine you and a bunch of friends want to invest in the stock market, but none of you has enough money to make a big impact individually. So, you all pool your money together and hire an expert to manage it. This is the […]

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2 Tech Funds With Huge Dividends (1 Is A Buy, 1 Is A “Wait And See”)

| February 8, 2024
2 Tech Funds With Huge Dividends (1 Is A Buy, 1 Is A “Wait And See”)

You probably know the Don Henley song “Dirty Laundry.” It was one of my favorite tunes in the 1980s. A criticism of media sensationalism, the repetitive chorus rang in my ears when I was much younger than I am today: “Kick ’em when they’re up,Kick ’em when they’re down.” This aptly describes the nightly news […]

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How To Profit With Closed-End Funds

| December 14, 2023
How To Profit With Closed-End Funds

Investors are attracted to closed-end funds (CEFs) because of high yields and (often) stable monthly dividends. These types of dividends can provide stability in retirement. The challenge is not all CEF dividends are created equal. So let’s take a look at what to look out for… The CEF Connect website lists 423 CEFs that trade on the […]

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3 ETFs For The Conservative Investor To Buy And Hold

| September 28, 2023
3 ETFs For The Conservative Investor To Buy And Hold

Key Points For a conservative investor seeking exposure to the equity markets while prioritizing stability and long-term wealth preservation, investing in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) or indices can be an attractive strategy and might make the most sense. ETFs offer a unique combination of diversification, cost-effectiveness, and liquidity, making them an ideal choice for those who prefer a […]

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How ETFs Really Work – And Why It Matters

| July 11, 2023
How ETFs Really Work – And Why It Matters

Active investors typically hold a lot of different types of securities in their brokerage accounts. From interacting with my newsletter subscribers, I know that many of them think of every investment in their brokerage account as “stocks”; however, much of what we own may not be common stock shares. This may seem like a minor […]

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2 Lithium Funds To Supercharge Your Portfolio

| May 18, 2023
2 Lithium Funds To Supercharge Your Portfolio

Lithium is one of the key components in rechargeable batteries. As the world heads towards a greener energy future, the demand for lithium is expected to rise dramatically. The shift towards electric vehicles, which require lithium as a key component in the batteries that power them, is putting a strain on global lithium supplies. Lithium already […]

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The 7 Best ETFs For Whatever Lies Ahead

| March 2, 2023
The 7 Best ETFs For Whatever Lies Ahead

Take as many bets as possible as we get into 2023 Ahead of significant variables and possible headwinds, investors may want to prep for whatever may arise through ownership of the best ETFs. Fundamentally, exchange-traded funds offer investors an efficient way to diversify their portfolios. By opening the canvas up to a basket of compelling […]

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Breaking Down ETFs – What They Are And How They Help Build Wealth

| September 6, 2022
Breaking Down ETFs – What They Are And How They Help Build Wealth

The idea of pooling investment assets has been around for centuries.  Mutual Funds first appeared in the 1920s.  But it wasn’t until the 1980s that mutual funds became widely popular with mainstream investors. In recent years, ETFs have taken off as an alternative to mutual funds. An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a “basket” of stocks, […]

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