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Statistically These Are The Worst Ages To Claim Social Security

| December 19, 2023
Statistically These Are The Worst Ages To Claim Social Security

Social Security is more than just a monthly check for many Americans; helps them have a comfortable living. Thus, it is very important for people who plan to claim Social Security in the near future to maximize their benefits amount. One of the biggest decisions that help the recipient maximize benefits is when to claim Social Security. […]

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Dealing With The Emotions Of A Volatile Stock Market

| November 16, 2023
Dealing With The Emotions Of A Volatile Stock Market

Recent volatility in the stock market has people reassessing their appetite for risk. Investing in a bull market is easy as it seems the only way equities go is up. The recent bull market has an added way of lulling people into a false sense of security. Last year many indexes never saw even a […]

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Fidelity’s Retirement Saving By Age Inspires Tips For Retirement Saving

| October 26, 2023
Fidelity’s Retirement Saving By Age Inspires Tips For Retirement Saving

The goal of Fidelity’s retirement savings guidelines is to use a portion of your earnings today and make them last, so that you’ll achieve your desired retirement lifestyle. Your preretirement annual income must cover current expenses and future financial goals, such as vacations and college tuition along with income replacement in retirement. Fidelity’s retirement savings […]

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Living Trust And A Will: Which Is The Best Way To Secure Your Family’s Future

| September 21, 2023
Living Trust And A Will: Which Is The Best Way To Secure Your Family’s Future

If you’ve begun to consider estate planning, you’ve undoubtedly come across two typical means of distributing your assets, money, or wealth to your loved ones – trusts and wills. There are, however, significant distinctions between these two essential documents, particularly when it comes to when and how your assets are distributed. It’s important to note […]

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Reasons Why You May Not Get Social Security When You Need It Most

| September 7, 2023
Reasons Why You May Not Get Social Security When You Need It Most

Social Security benefits serve as a lifeline for millions of retirees, but it is a fact that not every retiree receives it. In other words, not everyone is eligible to receive Social Security benefits. So, if you plan to depend significantly on Social Security benefits, you need to make sure that you qualify for it. To […]

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The Truth About The 401k – Myths Exposed

| August 31, 2023
The Truth About The 401k – Myths Exposed

A 401(k) retirement account is a powerful tool for your financial future to help you  prepare for later years. Companies offer this program to eligible employees, and it’s an ideal path to create your retirement savings. However, many misconceptions surround this investment account, and lack of 401k knowledge can cost you. Find out how 401(k) […]

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From 80-Hour Weeks To Effortless Earnings: Invest Once. Earn Forever

| August 17, 2023
From 80-Hour Weeks To Effortless Earnings: Invest Once. Earn Forever

One of the things I’ve been working on lately when it comes to my personal investing is detaching my income from the amount of work I have to put in. I love active trading, I have been doing it for decades now…  But having to trade week in and week out over a long period […]

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U.S. Debt Has Downgraded?! What It Means For You!

| August 3, 2023
U.S. Debt Has Downgraded?! What It Means For You!

The US debt was downgraded on Tuesday, signaling potential problems on the horizon for the American economy. This article explores the implications of this event, how it directly affects individuals, and what it means for the broader financial landscape. To grasp the significance of the recent debt downgrade, we will delve into the US government’s spending and borrowing practices, […]

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What Gen X Can Do To Save Their Retirement

| July 27, 2023
What Gen X Can Do To Save Their Retirement

Arecent report highlights that many Gen Xers’ retirement savings are woefully short of what they will need to be income secure for their retirement years. Let’s look at the problem and some steps they can take to not reach their retirement years with worries about making ends meet. This month, the National Institute on Retirement […]

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8 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Financial Success In The Future

| June 13, 2023
8 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Financial Success In The Future

Financial success is a goal many of us strive towards. Financial success requires discipline, planning, and commitment to your goals. With the right strategies and resources, anyone on any budget can improve their financial success. If you’re looking to do just that, we’re exploring eight ways to do it. 1. Ensure Your Money Grows As You […]

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