Tim Plaehn

Tim Plaehn is the lead investment research analyst for income and dividend investing at Investors Alley. He is the editor for The Dividend Hunter, an investment advisory delivering income investments with double digit growth in share price and dividend payments. Tim’s also editor of Weekly Income Accelerator, a covered call trading service, and Automatic Income Machine, a dividend growth service focused on growing your nest egg.

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Tim Plaehn's Latest Posts

How AI Will Change U.S. Infrastructure Forever

| May 23, 2024
How AI Will Change U.S. Infrastructure Forever

Recently, the AI discussion has taken a turn with the realization that the production of advanced AI chips and the building of massive data centers to house those chips will dramatically increase the amount of electric power needed in the U.S. A recent forecast change by Georgia Power illustrates how much power demand will grow […]

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Profit From The Solution To This Coming Energy Crisis

| May 9, 2024
Profit From The Solution To This Coming Energy Crisis

A recent Wall Street Journal article discussed the challenges facing the U.S. electrical grid. The problems facing the energy infrastructure system provide opportunities for investors. It’s time to think outside the box concerning solutions for potential power shortages. U.S. power consumption has been relatively flat for the last 20 years. Conservation measures and efficiencies have offset energy […]

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Pick A Side: Income Or Capital Gains

| April 25, 2024
Pick A Side: Income Or Capital Gains

My Dividend Hunter service focuses on earning an income stream from a portfolio of high-yield investments. This comes with a lot of benefits, especially when markets are as turbulent as they have been lately. One downside is that when I read analyst ratings on the stocks I recommend, I often find the analysis has the wrong focus. […]

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The SEC Just Approved 11 Exciting New Ways To Lose Money

| January 23, 2024
The SEC Just Approved 11 Exciting New Ways To Lose Money

Much of the financial world has been waiting (for almost a decade) for the SEC to approve spot Bitcoin ETFs. On January 10, it finally happened. And now we have 11 exciting new ways to lose a bunch of money. Let me explain… A spot Bitcoin owns a portfolio of Bitcoins directly, and ETF investors […]

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A New Year’s Resolution For Solid, Stress-Free Returns

| January 2, 2024
A New Year’s Resolution For Solid, Stress-Free Returns

Is one of your resolutions to figure out how to be more successful and less frustrated with your investment results? Prior to the final two months of the year, the stock market was volatile and frustrating. If you weren’t correctly invested at the end of October, you missed out on most of the year’s gains […]

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How To Profit With Closed-End Funds

| December 14, 2023
How To Profit With Closed-End Funds

Investors are attracted to closed-end funds (CEFs) because of high yields and (often) stable monthly dividends. These types of dividends can provide stability in retirement. The challenge is not all CEF dividends are created equal. So let’s take a look at what to look out for… The CEF Connect website lists 423 CEFs that trade on the […]

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How To Profit As LNG Production Doubles

| November 7, 2023
How To Profit As LNG Production Doubles

I view liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the most critical energy source for the future. A recent report forecasts that LNG demand growth will continue to at least 2040 and double from current production levels. Several stocks let you participate in the attractive growth potential. VettiFi recently interviewed Stifel managing director Ben Nolan to discuss the […]

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Surviving And Thriving In An Ugly Stock Market

| October 5, 2023
Surviving And Thriving In An Ugly Stock Market

After a wonderful 2021 for stock investors, the last two years have been rough, to say the least. The next sustained bull market seems to remain in the unknown future. So let’s look at a couple of market strategies that have worked and will do so no matter how the stock market goes… It is […]

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Why Value Stocks Are About To Outperform

| September 12, 2023
Why Value Stocks Are About To Outperform

The bulk of stock market gains since last October are due to large price increases from a handful of large-cap, tech-focused stocks. But growth stocks like that have had their time in the sun. Let’s look at why value stocks could outperform in the future… According to Investopedia, growth stocks are shares of companies that […]

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What Gen X Can Do To Save Their Retirement

| July 27, 2023
What Gen X Can Do To Save Their Retirement

Arecent report highlights that many Gen Xers’ retirement savings are woefully short of what they will need to be income secure for their retirement years. Let’s look at the problem and some steps they can take to not reach their retirement years with worries about making ends meet. This month, the National Institute on Retirement […]

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