Michael Foster

Michael Foster is the Senior Analyst at Contrarian Outlook.

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Inside The US Economy’s “Stealth” Boom (And An 11.4% Dividend To Play It)

| July 2, 2024
Inside The US Economy’s “Stealth” Boom (And An 11.4% Dividend To Play It)

There are three very clear signs the stock-market bull will keep stampeding. Let’s dive into them, then talk about two discounted funds set to ride those gains (and pay us rich dividends up to 11.4% in the process). Bullish Signal #1: The US Worker is Strong There’s a lot of pessimism about the US economy out there, […]

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2 Tech Funds With Huge Dividends (1 Is A Buy, 1 Is A “Wait And See”)

| February 8, 2024
2 Tech Funds With Huge Dividends (1 Is A Buy, 1 Is A “Wait And See”)

You probably know the Don Henley song “Dirty Laundry.” It was one of my favorite tunes in the 1980s. A criticism of media sensationalism, the repetitive chorus rang in my ears when I was much younger than I am today: “Kick ’em when they’re up,Kick ’em when they’re down.” This aptly describes the nightly news […]

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This Lame Stock Advice Could Cost You 8% Dividends (And Millions In Gains)

| December 7, 2023
This Lame Stock Advice Could Cost You 8% Dividends (And Millions In Gains)

When I see people touting the 60/40 portfolio, I kind of feel like Haley Joel Osment’s character in the Sixth Sense. But instead of seeing dead people, I see dead ideas. You likely know what I’m talking about: a portfolio that seeks to automatically balance risk by holding 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. It […]

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How We’re Locking In 10%+ “Forever” Yields Now

| October 17, 2023
How We’re Locking In 10%+ “Forever” Yields Now

Today, more than 18 months after the press started ringing the recession alarm, they’re still at it! And we contrarian income seekers are still happy to take the other side of that argument. After all, this overdone fear mongering has handed us an opportunity to “lock in” bigger dividend yields than we’ve been able to grab in years. Our […]

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Why Stocks Will Crush All-Time Highs (And The 8%+ Dividends To Buy)

| August 8, 2023
Why Stocks Will Crush All-Time Highs (And The 8%+ Dividends To Buy)

Don’t listen to the bubble worrywarts: even with the 2023 bounce, stocks are well off their late 2021 peak. In other words, they’re still cheap! Stock Rebound Still Has Room to Run We can get in even cheaper through discounted closed-end funds. Consider two leading equity CEFs, the Liberty All-Star Growth Fund (ASG) and the Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Diversified […]

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Retire Early With This Dividend-Paying “Compound Interest Machine”

| May 16, 2023
Retire Early With This Dividend-Paying “Compound Interest Machine”

We need to talk about “financial independence” for a second. It’s one of those catch-all terms you see a lot in financial-industry marketing, for good reason: it means completely different things to different people. Maybe your idea of financial independence is having a bit of extra income on the side, to go with a regular job you […]

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These 3 Funds (Yielding 10.2%) Could Pay For Your Whole Retirement

| May 2, 2023
These 3 Funds (Yielding 10.2%) Could Pay For Your Whole Retirement

With the recent pullback from the market’s high this year, we’ve got a nice second chance to buy some terrific dividend stocks cheap. But don’t waste your time with lame payers like General Mills (GIS), with its 2.5% yield. Or the miserly 2.1% you get from a so-called “Dividend Aristocrat” like McDonald’s (MCD). Even though inflation is trending […]

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This 13.4% Monthly Dividend Is Absurdly Oversold

| November 17, 2022
This 13.4% Monthly Dividend Is Absurdly Oversold

Savvy investors know that when markets crash, the most beaten-up sectors are often the ones that lead the (inevitable) surge higher. It’s one of the most reliable trends in investing. With their valuations (and dividend yields) crushed, these stocks are tempting bait for bargain hunters who like to run against the herd. The 2008 financial crisis is […]

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Play This “Quiet Shift” In Housing For 7% Dividends And Upside

| July 5, 2022
Play This “Quiet Shift” In Housing For 7% Dividends And Upside

Demand for rental property is literally going through the roof—and we can play the trend for a rock-solid 7% dividend that can be had at a discount! What’s driving this opportunity? Higher interest rates. As you can see below, the average 30-year mortgage issued today bears an interest rate near 5%, a level we haven’t come close […]

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3 Easy Ways To “Crash-Proof” Your Portfolio, Grab 7%+ Dividends

| March 1, 2022
3 Easy Ways To “Crash-Proof” Your Portfolio, Grab 7%+ Dividends

With the swift stock-market decline we’ve seen since the start of 2022, and now, you can be forgiven if your stomach tightens just a bit when you go to check your retirement account. So today I’m going to give you my three best tips for securing your hard-earned cash—and even better, locking in a dividend stream you […]

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