Tag: Retirement Planning
How Much Money Do You Need To Save For Retirement?

How much money do you really need to save to retire comfortably? For many people, this question causes a lot of anxiety. On the one hand, you want to save enough so that you don’t run out of money after you’ve stopped working. Your retirement account should be large enough to cover you for the rest of […]
Thinking About Retiring? 6 Non-Financial Tips For A Happier Retirement Start

If you’re considering calling it time to retire, then I have a few non-financial tips for a happier retirement start. A lot of my early retirement relied on winging it. I was aware of the non-financial aspects of retirement. But I primarily focused on all the money stuff. As far as non-financial aspects, things I […]
4 Tips To Consider For Financial Security During Retirement

Retirement planning should start today because when the time comes that you can’t work like you used to, your finances are going to change a lot. You might have questions such as what your end retirement savings goal should look like, the kind of investments that would help you reach that goal, what kind of […]
10 Things You Need To Know About Retirement

Retirement is something many of us don’t think much about, until it becomes our turn. We all tend to think it shouldn’t be of much importance now, especially while we are young and active. That’s wrong! In fact, it should be one of the things we seriously consider as we go through life. Emile, a […]
5 Tips For Parents To Help Their Kids Get Started With Retirement Planning

It’s a whole new world for recent college graduates entering the workforce. Their priorities have changed; now bills, rent, and student loans lead their monthly list. Retirement planning ranks low as a priority for many young people in the early stages of their careers. About two-thirds of Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, according to […]
Want To Retire Confidently? Set A Retirement Savings Target

It’s no wonder that many people fall short with retirement savings. They have no idea what they need. It would be impossible to know if you are on track without having a retirement savings target to shoot for. People tend to fall into three categories when it comes to retirement savings. The confident, the worried, […]
Do You Own Government Bonds?
I’ve got a confession to make. I don’t own bonds in my portfolio. Tragic, isn’t it? Now most professional financial advisors would say I’m committing a sin of the worst kind. In most retirement programs, bonds play a key role in adding stability to a portfolio. Bonds are what the pros call inversely correlated. That’s […]