Leisure Freak

Leisure Freak is a site dedicated to those who are truly passionate about reaching financial independence and early retirement. Not just the traditional definition of retirement, but a new passion-driven retirement.

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5 Things To Understand About Annuities

| July 18, 2024
5 Things To Understand About Annuities

Annuities are financial products that offer a steady stream of income in exchange for a lump sum investment. Annuities may be complicated and may not be right for everyone, even though they can provide retirement security and peace of mind. Comprehending the intricacies of annuities is vital to make well-informed financial decisions and optimize their […]

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Happy New Year 2023! Simple Financial Goal Tune Up Time

| January 12, 2023
Happy New Year 2023! Simple Financial Goal Tune Up Time

The beginning of a new year can be full of resolutions and hopes of bettering our life. Part of that should include our personal finance priorities. Any financial plan needs to be reevaluated from time to time. The new year is the perfect time to perform our financial goal tune up. Best yet, it doesn’t […]

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4 Retirement Financial “Whats” To Answer Before And During Retirement

| February 17, 2022
4 Retirement Financial “Whats” To Answer Before And During Retirement

Now 12 years into my early retirement, I continually learn more about successfully funding and living my desired retirement lifestyle. One of the lessons learned is answering a few retirement financial “whats” questions. There’s a lot of both having trust in established processes and winging it when it comes to retiring. Getting most of it […]

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Budgeting Before You Retire And Planning For The Future

| August 26, 2021
Budgeting Before You Retire And Planning For The Future

Trying to estimate what your expenses will be during retirement can be challenging. It’s difficult to plan for inflation and to predict the costs of essential expenses in the next 10, 15, 20 years, or more. However, trying to come up with a spending plan for your retirement is crucial, as the earlier you start […]

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Thinking About Retiring? 6 Non-Financial Tips For A Happier Retirement Start

| June 3, 2021
Thinking About Retiring? 6 Non-Financial Tips For A Happier Retirement Start

If you’re considering calling it time to retire, then I have a few non-financial tips for a happier retirement start. A lot of my early retirement relied on winging it. I was aware of the non-financial aspects of retirement. But I primarily focused on all the money stuff. As far as non-financial aspects, things I […]

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How I Knew I Had Enough To Retire Early

| February 25, 2021 | 0 Comments
How I Knew I Had Enough To Retire Early

Many people want to retire early to live a life free from the rat race. It takes having a certain mentality and the financial means to pull it off. Even with meeting those requirements on paper, it can be difficult to really know when we have enough to retire early and make it work over […]

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Things I Did Wrong And Still Retired Early

| October 22, 2020 | 0 Comments
Things I Did Wrong And Still Retired Early

If I listen to a lot of financial independence-retire early naysayers, it would have been a mistake for me to even think about an early retirement. Yet, according to common beliefs, there was a lot I did wrong and still retired early. I’m a FIRE living believer that the path isn’t limited to only the […]

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Frugal Not Cheap: 3 Important Differences

| September 20, 2019 | 0 Comments
Frugal Not Cheap: 3 Important Differences

There are many differences between being cheap and being frugal. Someone who is cheap does not want to spend money on anything, regardless of its value. Someone who is frugal understands the value of things but wants to cut costs when possible. It is important to understand these differences in the following situations. Short-Term Versus […]

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Is Early Retirement Using Stealth Wealth Gaming The System?

| November 2, 2018 | 0 Comments
Is Early Retirement Using Stealth Wealth Gaming The System?

I have been told by some people who I’m routinely in contact with that I’m hard to figure out. I’m always dressed casually, drive some older but uniquely memorable cars, and they know I don’t work in any conventional sense. Yet I am able to live in a somewhat high-cost area. I am seen all […]

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Don’t Forget To Do Your 2018 Retirement Tax Planning

| January 3, 2018 | 0 Comments
Don’t Forget To Do Your 2018 Retirement Tax Planning

Being retired means being smart about our income. Retirement Tax Planning should be a big part of that. Managing our retirement income to pay the least amount of income tax means we can stretch our savings to go farther. I use a combination of taxable IRA income and non-taxable accounts to keep my tax rate as […]

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