Tag: money
Save Yourself From A Savings Crisis

While some nations in the developing world struggle with food scarcity, lack of potable water, and the horrors of perpetual warfare and terrorism, a crisis of another sort loom over several of the world’s most affluent countries. It isn’t particularly dramatic so it doesn’t usually make the top news stories, but it affects millions of […]
Is This The Magical Road To Enormous Gains?

For one reason or another, many new Pre-IPO investors think an IPO is a magical road to enormous gains… But if there’s anything we’ve learned from the Post-COVID IPO frenzy – followed by the apparent stock market slaughter of 2022 – it’s the importance of going public at the right time in the right way for the right reasons. Sure, a successful […]
12 Reasons Why Inflation Is Here To Stay

Kerry Lutz, the founder of the Financial Survival Network, delves into some of the factors that may be behind inflation. Throughout the history of man and money, there have always been periods of inflation. It happened in ancient Rome, China during Marco Polo’s visit, Germany after World War I, and countless other examples. Milton Friedman […]
11 Financial Tips For Parents To Share With Their Kids (Part 1)

As parents, we want the best for our kids. Most schools do not do a good job of teaching personal finance. Helping our kids become more financially savvy can help us have a lasting impact on their lives. It can also allow them to live the lifestyle they desire. It starts with teaching them to […]
How To Improve Your Money Confidence

If you’re working on improving your financial situation, it’s pretty common to struggle with your money confidence. Many people feel embarrassed about previous financial mistakes and wonder if they have what it takes to build the financial future they want. But it’s important to begin developing money confidence right from the beginning. Money confidence will […]
Trading War For Money, For The Moment

Seven or eight years ago, I gave a speech in L.A. for a friend of mine, Chris Cordoba. Afterwards, we went out to dinner with some of his friends. They asked economic questions, and eventually the conversation turned to concerns about hotspots around the world. I had one big worry… the relationship between China and […]
8 Steps For Planning For Your Financial Future

With so many of us falling into the trap of immediate self-gratification, we often neglect the financial planning that’s needed for our future. And as Scott Langdon from MoneyTaskForce.com says, “if you fail to plan for your financial future, you’re basically planning to fail. And we all know that the consequences of poor financial planning can be […]
Can I Retire At 60 With $500K?

As millions of baby boomers approach retirement with Generation X-ers not far behind, the question of “Can you retire with $500,000?” repeatedly pops up among our readers. Yet, it’s not only those 60-year-olds thinking about retirement, but also, we find middle-aged folks asking if retiring at 55 with 500k is reasonable. This article will delve […]
Frugal Not Cheap: 3 Important Differences

There are many differences between being cheap and being frugal. Someone who is cheap does not want to spend money on anything, regardless of its value. Someone who is frugal understands the value of things but wants to cut costs when possible. It is important to understand these differences in the following situations. Short-Term Versus […]
Big Risk Can Mean Big Growth

Risks and rewards are related. They are usually inversely related. Generally, the more risk you take, the more you can get in reward. The opposite is true too though; the more risk you take, the more you can lose! Therefore, the risks you take should be calculated based on various factors. For the most part, […]