Tag: investing

What Is Universal Life Insurance And Is It A Good Investment?

| August 21, 2019 | 0 Comments
What Is Universal Life Insurance And Is It A Good Investment?

There are so many choices out there for life insurance, and it’s SO EASY to get sucked into a life insurance policy that isn’t financially smart. I have talked about term and whole life insurance in the past, but today I wanted to talk about universal life insurance and whether it’s a useful tool for investing. How […]

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6 Key Principles For Building Wealth

| July 24, 2019 | 0 Comments
6 Key Principles For Building Wealth

Do you understand how money works? We buy stuff and we sell stuff using money. It seems pretty simple, right? If money is so simple, why do the bottom 50% of Americans have a combined negative net worth?! If you’re not entirely sure what your own net worth is, you’re going to want to continue reading. What […]

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8 Investing Strategies For The Absolute Beginner

8 Investing Strategies For The Absolute Beginner

Are you wanting to get into the investment world but don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. At first glance, the investment world seems complicated and confusing. However, once you dive in and start to learn some of the basics, you soon realize that it’s relatively straightforward to grasp. It’s all a […]

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PE Ratio: The Best Market Timing Tool Of All?

PE Ratio: The Best Market Timing Tool Of All?

The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is considered an essential valuation indicator and has been historically associated with “value investing.” Simply put, the PE ratio defines how much an investor is willing to pay for each dollar of net earnings. Formula: PE Ratio P/E Ratio of a Stock = Current Market Price of the stock / Earnings […]

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4 Industries To Invest In In 2019

4 Industries To Invest In In 2019

The first four months of 2019 have already been exciting, and we’ve seen a lot of improvements in industries across the globe.  If you’re currently considering investing in an existing business, considering starting your own company, or purely just interested in investing in the stock markets, it can be wise to stay ahead of the trends.  To […]

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Recovering From Financial Mistakes Like The Wealthy

| March 22, 2019 | 0 Comments
Recovering From Financial Mistakes Like The Wealthy

Regardless how experienced or educated you are, you will still make financial mistakes, some of them humdingers. Personal finance blogs and media outlets frequently share basic financial mistakes to avoid: spend less than you earn, invest in index funds, avoid debt and so forth. All this is good advice, but it goes a lot deeper […]

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Should You Invest In Marijuana Stock?

| February 27, 2019 | 0 Comments
Should You Invest In Marijuana Stock?

Like any other investment, Marijuana stocks are an investment and carry a certain amount of risk and reward associated with taking that risk.  As it has been proven time and again, the higher the risk you take the greater the rewards you shall reap.  As an investor, no matter how risk-seeking or risk-averse is your investment mindset, it is […]

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Surround Yourself With Winners

| January 30, 2019 | 0 Comments
Surround Yourself With Winners

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn has a great quote that’s highly memorable: “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Now, you could quibble with the numbers a little bit. But there’s a simple theme we can take away from this. And we can apply that theme in our investing activities, […]

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Recession Preparation – How To Survive The Looming Bear Market

| January 4, 2019 | 0 Comments
Recession Preparation – How To Survive The Looming Bear Market

NASDAQ CHART: Dow Jones: NASDAQ was trading in a range above 7000 in January 2018. Once August rolled around, it was trading over 8000. Then comes October, and it has since been in a declining trend since. We’ve witnessed the market’s relentless economic and stock market growth for almost a decade now, and every stock market pundit […]

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Keep Your Finances Moving Forward

| December 21, 2018 | 0 Comments
Keep Your Finances Moving Forward

We’re coming up on the end of the year, yes already! During this time of year, we sometimes feel pressured to make specific New Year’s resolutions/goals. As it relates to finance, we may have resolutions like I will get rid of all my debt next year or I will invest triple the amount into the […]

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