Tag: dividend
5 Stocks Set To Roar Into 2021 (And 8 Laggards About To Crash)

Sometimes, picking the best contrarian stocks can be fairly straightforward. For instance, back in early spring, it seemed obvious to anyone who went a bit deeper than the daily headlines to see that the market wasn’t giving tech stocks their due, given its importance during the lockdown and its potential for big post–COVID-19 growth. So […]
These 3 “Perfect” REIT Dividends Are Still On Sale

The economy is a mess—and that’s presenting quite the opportunity for these landlords, and contrarians like us. Tenants are still paying, but these stocks are priced like a few are flaking. That’s not the case. Plus, one firm is about to take advantage of a weak 2020 market to go shopping and secure future cash […]
2 Questions You Need To Ask If You’re Worried About More Dividend Cuts

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and business resulted in a stock market crash and severe business disruption for many companies. One impact of the economic slowdown/shut-in was that many companies were forced or chose to slash common stock dividends. For example, out of the 165 equity REITs tracked by Hoya Capital […]
3 Good Yields In Energy We’ll Soon Buy As GREAT Yields

The broader market, as defined by the S&P 500, has rallied like crazy. But don’t worry, you haven’t “missed out” on anything. The rally has been carried by large, and largely non-dividend paying stocks! Most income plays are just now getting up off the mat. We’ll discuss one of my favorites today. Energy, for example, is in the […]
7 Inexpensive, High-Dividend ETFs To Buy

These high-dividend ETFs come with income and low fees The universe of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is awash in low-fee products, and the space is growing as issuers reduce their fees to lure investors. Income-seeking investors do not have to pay up to access high-dividend ETFs. In fact, numerous high-dividend ETFs can be inexpensive, which is an […]
2 Smart Lockdown Buys For 150% Dividend Growth, Upside

We’re almost three months into this crisis and three things are crystal clear: Plenty of “household-name” dividend-payers are in big trouble—and not just the ones you see in the news. When the payout cuts come, the resulting share-price drops will crush the unwary. Way too many people are clinging to blue chips yielding 2% or 3%. But is […]