Tag: Retirement Income
How Much Money Do You Need To Save For Retirement?

How much money do you really need to save to retire comfortably? For many people, this question causes a lot of anxiety. On the one hand, you want to save enough so that you don’t run out of money after you’ve stopped working. Your retirement account should be large enough to cover you for the rest of […]
How To Make Smart Decisions For Your Retirement Portfolio

Saving money for your retirement is probably one of the most important goals you have right now. So, you have to find the right balance between investing with risk and investing with safe return to have a nice portfolio. You need to strategize and be successful at it if you want to be comfortable in […]
2 Perfect Retirement Stocks Paying Up To 8% (And 2 Losers Circling The Drain)

It’s the No. 1 fear that keeps retirees (and near-retirees) pacing the halls at night: that their nest egg will expire before they will! It’s easy to see why. After all, many of these folks will need to fund a retirement that’s much longer than their parents’ was: according to the Brookings Institution, nearly one in four […]
Don’t Forget To Do Your 2018 Retirement Tax Planning

Being retired means being smart about our income. Retirement Tax Planning should be a big part of that. Managing our retirement income to pay the least amount of income tax means we can stretch our savings to go farther. I use a combination of taxable IRA income and non-taxable accounts to keep my tax rate as […]
Preparing For Retirement The Right Way

Preparing for retirement can seem like a complicated thing to those who haven’t thought much about it or haven’t researched the subject. Individuals just have to make sure they cover all the bases before stopping work for good. Stressing about retirement won’t help. What’s done is done. It’s time to look forward and take positive […]