Tag: Dividend Growth
Good Ones! My Top 5 Stocks For July 2022

Have some cash to put to work into beaten-down stocks? Like getting higher yields and more potential total return for your money? Want to know my top five stocks for July 2022? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on my top five dividend growth stocks for July 2022, check out our […]
These Stocks Have Collapsed…

Like to go against the crowd? Looking for value and opportunities in stocks that have seen their prices totally collapse? Want safe, growing, totally passive dividend income that beats the market? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on five dividend growth stocks that could offer tremendous value after collapsing, check out […]
Hit The Bull’s-Eye With These 5 Mid-Cap Dividend Growers

As contrarians, you and I make our profits from stocks that are under-loved and under-covered. And today, we’re going to discuss five “under the radar” names with the potential to return up to 34% per year, every year, no matter what happens with the broader markets. These stock prices have the potential to increase by […]
The Simplest, Safest Way To Earn 14.6% Per Year From Stocks

Let’s chat about making some real money in stocks. I’m talking about 14.6% returns per year, every single year. I know, my 14.6% annual number sounds pedestrian in a world where peddlers are hawking virtual (pretend?) coins with pups on the cover. But my returns are real—and spectacular for investors who are patient. With this method we can double […]
Warren Buffett’s Latest Three New Investments

Warren Buffett does not need any introduction. He is a very successful investor who is in charge of Berkshire Hathaway. He has an impressive track record investing in the stock market and in businesses. Because of his success, his every move is followed very closely. For example, his holding company Berkshire Hathaway is required to file a […]
My Personal “Set-It-And-Forget-It” Plan For 10% Dividends, 100% Upside

The mainstream crowd has gotten way too greedy—which means we could be in the teeth of a stock-market selloff within weeks. Most folks hear the word “selloff” and gasp. But not us contrarian dividend hounds! We know that volatility is our friend. It’s easy to see this just by looking at what the market’s done in the […]