Tag: retirement plan
11 Financial Tips For Parents To Share With Their Kids (Part 1)

As parents, we want the best for our kids. Most schools do not do a good job of teaching personal finance. Helping our kids become more financially savvy can help us have a lasting impact on their lives. It can also allow them to live the lifestyle they desire. It starts with teaching them to […]
Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA vs. 401k

Congratulations! Landing on this page means that you are likely planning your retirement. While it might sound like an ordinary thing to do, most people don’t pay nearly as much attention to their future as they should. Granted, thinking too much about the future does distract from the present. Yet, after spending more than half […]
Why A Roth 401k Plan Makes Sense For You

Most everyone knows about a 401k plan. It is a typical benefit employers provide to help their employees save for retirement. While there are many benefits to investing in a 401k plan, there are some drawbacks. As such, a new version of the 401k plan has been growing in popularity. The Roth 401k plan. What […]
5 Tips For Parents To Help Their Kids Get Started With Retirement Planning

It’s a whole new world for recent college graduates entering the workforce. Their priorities have changed; now bills, rent, and student loans lead their monthly list. Retirement planning ranks low as a priority for many young people in the early stages of their careers. About two-thirds of Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, according to […]