Tag: real estate
The Third Time Is The Charm

It’s been ten years since the housing and mortgage bubble began to unravel. While the exact date is debatable, I remember July 2007 as a very important month. It was when Bear Stearns announced two of its funds holding subprime mortgages lost most of their value. Shortly after, the marginal buyer or borrower, discovered it would become […]
Farmland Prices Surged 22%… Should You Buy?
I’ve never seen anything quite like this… The price for an acre of farmland has gone ballistic. The ultra safe asset shot up 22% last year! When I first read the news I thought, “This is great!” You see, my family has owned irrigated cropland in central Nebraska for more than a century. (And I’ve […]
Is Diversification Worth It?
How do you feel about adding pork belly futures to your portfolio? How about Bolivian government bonds? Hey, the investment experts are always telling us how important it is to diversify… But is diversification even really worthwhile? The short answer… it all depends on how you diversify. First off, let’s talk about what diversification means. […]
Don’t Settle For Gold When You Can Buy Dirt
Now, more than ever, you need Agriculture. Ag will always be near and dear to my heart. The cornfields of Nebraska are a part of me. It’s where I spent the first eighteen years of my life. It was during those years on the farm I developed my love of financial markets. And I’ve been […]
Life Isn’t Fair…
If you haven’t learned this little secret yet, let me break it to you… Life isn’t fair. Good people go bad, mistakes can be made, and sometimes a sure thing turns into a nothing… I do firmly believe, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!” It’s a great quote and something that applies directly to […]
Should You Strategically Default?
Yesterday, RealtyTrac released their January 2010 Foreclosure Market Report. The report provides a look at foreclosure activity for the month. I’m shocked by what I read. A whopping 315,716 US properties had some sort of foreclosure filing in January. That’s one in every 409 US households. And it’s the 11th consecutive month 300,000 or more […]
Why Home Depot Is A Great Stock To Buy
I just made a big change in my life… and along with it, I uncovered a great investment idea. As many of you know, Linda and I started looking for a new home a few months back. Prices were down. They’d finally reached a level we thought was reasonable… so we took action. We started […]
More Reasons To Buy Homebuilders Now
This morning was just like every other morning. I woke up, showered, dressed, and made breakfast. Then I started my commute to the office. The drive takes anywhere between 20 to 40 minutes – depending on traffic. Every morning I listen to the local financial news radio station. It’s a great source of ideas, news, […]
Real Estate – Now’s The Time To Start Buying The Homebuilders
I’m sure many of you are wondering if I’ve lost my mind. Our financial system is teetering on the brink. Our economy is in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression. The markets are down more than 40% from their all time highs. And, I’m suggesting you invest your hard earned dollars […]
Residential REIT’s – Is Now The Time To Buy?
Last issue I talked about part of my experience in Aspen. While wandering the upper-crust, very wealthy city, I realized the recession was impacting everyone. Normally the wealthy tend to sidestep the worst of an economic downturn… but this time it’s different. If you didn’t get a chance to read that article, you can check […]