Tag: Precious Metals

Gold And Silver Show Strong Historical Performance During The Summer Months

Gold And Silver Show Strong Historical Performance During The Summer Months

The summer is generally a good time to purchase precious metals. Gold and silver historically have outperformed when the weather is warm.  They have also outperformed other commodities, specifically oil.  If you are looking to add precious metals to your portfolio, look for dips in the price during the summer months, as they are likely to be […]

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Should Retirement Investors Add A Little Gold Just In Case?

| March 19, 2018 | 0 Comments
Should Retirement Investors Add A Little Gold Just In Case?

The US Debt Clock tells us our national debt is around $21 trillion. Social Security promises are approaching $17 trillion – included in the “unfunded” government promises – over $112 trillion. Despite government mandated Cost of Living Increases, our recent article, “An Inconvenient Truth About Social Security” clearly indicates Social Security recipients have no inflation protection. Each month, seniors and savers […]

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Gold $5,000

Gold $5,000

No. I’m not flip-flopping! As I told subscribers to our Boom & Bust monthly newsletter in November, I stand by my forecast that gold must still lose about 65% of its current value before we hit the bottom of this latest commodity cycle, around 2020 or 2023. And when the markets unravel, as they must, gold will […]

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Is The Bitcoin Value Greater Than Gold?

| November 10, 2017 | 0 Comments
Is The Bitcoin Value Greater Than Gold?

As the Bitcoin value peaks, the value of gold declines. This is due to the perception of the Bitcoin, and the way its value has inflated in recent years. Google search trends have revealed the Bitcoin is more searched for than Gold, for the first time in its history. Bloomberg reports on Bitcoin Value The search term […]

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Gold Will Be Priceless By 2020

Gold Will Be Priceless By 2020

Over the next few years as debt, currencies, and countries start to fall apart, individuals will be looking to place their money where it will hold its value and buying power during times of extreme uncertainty. If you eliminate fiat currencies, which are created out of this air and are nothing more than a credit, […]

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This Coming Development Could Trash The Platinum Cost Curve

| April 7, 2017 | 0 Comments
This Coming Development Could Trash The Platinum Cost Curve

Upheaval going on in the platinum space right now. With big fluctuations in the South African rand threatening to take down prices across the platinum group metals complex. That trend kicked off when the South African government fired its finance minister last week. A move that caused an 11% fall in the rand against the […]

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7 Gold Stocks That Will Shine Under Trump

| February 10, 2017 | 0 Comments
7 Gold Stocks That Will Shine Under Trump

Don’t worry about economic prosperity — gold stocks will have their day! Although a hero to working class conservatives and political outsiders, President Donald Trump has put them in an awkward situation. Consider that when Trump was campaigning, he did an interview with Alex Jones. Yes, that Alex Jones of the 9/11 truther movement and […]

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Palladium And Rhodium – Two Precious Metals

| March 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

I love finding great investment opportunities most people are missing.  It gives me a chance to buy in at a reasonable price.  And when the herd rushes in, I’m laughing all the way to the bank… I recently came across just such an opportunity.  And I’m going to tell you all about it.  The opportunity […]

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Precious Metals Investing: How Much Is Too Much?

| October 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

A few days ago I was in the office working away analyzing the markets.  My favorite tunes were blaring through my iPod as I flipped through chart after chart.  It was just like any ordinary workday. But then something interesting happened.  Something that left me shaking my head in disbelief. It all started when the […]

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How To Protect Your Wealth From Hyperinflation

| September 8, 2010 | 0 Comments

A good friend and I were having a chat over a beer last Friday after work.  We were at a little hole in the wall bar just up the street from where I live.  We snacked on some pretzels and played a few games of darts while we drank. We talked about the usual… How’s […]

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