Tag: Options Trading Research
Options Trading Strategies To Avoid For 2016

Options Trading Strategies To Avoid For 2016 Hard to believe but 2016 is right around the corner. While the financial markets don’t really care what calendar year it is, we as investors tend to like to group market conditions by the year. For instance, 2015 will most likely be the year of tepid growth and […]
Options Trading And The New Normal

Options Trading And The New Normal As we approach the end of the year, we can start to piece together what kind of year it’s been for US stocks. There are basically two different stories to tell in 2015. There was the August correction and subsequent rebound. And, there’s been a whole bunch of range-bound […]
Finding Value With Options Trading

Finding Value With Options Trading There are many different reasons to invest in stocks. For example, some buyers are looking for growth, others income. Ultimately everyone is looking to make money… but how we get there is clearly open to interpretation. One popular method of investing is value investing. That is, when investors look for […]
Options Trading Is Much Better Than Stock Trading

Options Trading Is Much Better Than Stock Trading This is an options trading site, so of course we spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of options. I regularly point out the virtues of using options instead of stocks. That should come as no surprise to most people who trade options regularly. Yet, […]
The Best Time For Using Covered Calls

The Best Time For Using Covered Calls There probably isn’t an options-related topic as misunderstood – yet extremely popular – as trading covered calls. Covered calls are widely used by retail and institutional traders alike. However, I often feel the strategy is misrepresented, and sometimes poorly executed. You see, a covered call strategy seems simple […]
Options Trading Strategies For Earnings Season

Options Trading Strategies For Earnings Season Earnings season is once again upon us, creating opportunities for both large gains and large losses. As a rule of thumb, individual stocks tend to react more significantly during earnings periods than other times of the year. The problem is figuring out which way a stock is going to […]
Unusual Options Activity In iShares US Real Estate ETF

As many of you know, unusual options activity can be a valuable indicator as to what traders are thinking, and more importantly, where these stocks are heading in the short-term. This is something professional options traders pay a lot of attention to, and for good reason… Unusual options activity can “tip off” big moves in a stock, […]
Big Time $VIX Trades Could Mean Volatility Is About To Decrease

Big Time VIX Trades Could Mean Volatility Is About To Decrease The VIX continues to generate plenty of financial news as it remains elevated above normal levels. Volatility has started to settle in recent days, but don’t expect a complete capitulation until after the next Fed meeting. As a reminder, the VIX (S&P 500 Volatility […]
Major VIX Action Suggests Volatility Is Going To Decline

Major VIX Action Suggests Volatility Is Going To Decline The VIX has been front and center in the financial news lately with all the volatility that’s hit the market the past couple weeks. The collapse of the Chinese economy is spooking investors and adding a sizeable level of uncertainty to US financial markets. As a […]
Unusual Options Activity In PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish ETF $UUP

Unusual Options Activity In PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish ETF $UUP As many of you know, unusual options activity can be a valuable indicator as to what traders are thinking, and more importantly, where these stocks are heading in the short-term. This is something professional options traders pay a lot of attention to, and for good reason… […]