Tag: dividend stocks
Dividend Or Growth Stocks – The Best Investment

Should I Invest In Dividend Or Growth Stocks? To someone learning how to invest in the stock market, the amount of options you have can be somewhat overwhelming. Stocks, bonds, annuities, options, forex, ETFs. It can all be a little too much to think about. I’m going to take a little time to go over […]
3 Stocks Increasing Their Dividends In August

Pencil in a pay raise for August because these three stocks will be boosting their yields in the next couple of weeks. A rising dividend is one of the best signals for the health of a business, and as your dividends compound over time you will watch your wealth incrementally grow to new heights. When interest rates […]
The 10 Safest Blue-Chip Dividends On Wall Street

Chasing high yield is no good if the stock supporting it isn’t strong Investors have plenty to be concerned about these days. Global stocks around the world have surged in 2017, sending frothy valuations even higher. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, and several central banks around the world have signaled expectations for tightening […]
The Worst Dividend Investing Habit Costing You Money

Almost every dividend investor is guilty of this bad habit at one point, and if you’re doing it, it’s costing you money. Here’s how to stop making this costly mistake and how to turn it around to start making you money. It seems like an easy and surefire way to generate higher returns from high-yield […]
3 Safe Dividend Investments For Long-Term Growth

Unlike many dividend stocks, these three picks have the potential to hand investors share price gains and big dividend checks. Find out what makes these under-the-radar dividend growth stocks smart additions to your portfolio. The stock market has tripled since the financial crisis, Yet, low rates are still squeezing savers. Investors are now faced with […]
3 “Dark Horse” Dividend Stocks Primed For 30% Gains In 2017

Today I’m going to share three of my favorite dividend stocks from an ignored corner of the market set to soar in President Trump’s first year. Which corner? The “little guys”: small and mid-cap stocks. In many ways, the cat’s already out of the bag. As they’ve done with financial stocks, investors have bid up […]
3 Popular High-Yield Stocks I Don’t Recommend Owning

While these three high-yield stocks are popular among many income investors, for Tim Plaehn’s rigorous standards, they don’t make the cut. See why Tim doesn’t recommend these three seemingly attractive stocks and his recommended replacements. For The Dividend Hunter recommendations list of high yield stocks, I follow and analyze the financial results from several hundred […]
High Yield Dividend Stocks For Safety

On a mild Saturday night a few weeks back, I went with a good friend to Donovan’s on Prospect Street in LaJolla. What a terrific place, one of those classic American steakhouses we can’t seem to get enough of. It got me thinking about the strange similarities shared by steaks and stocks. A steak that […]