Tag: monthly dividend stocks
3 Funds Paying Up To 12.5% In Monthly Income

Volatility is high, stocks are shaky and there’s a major land war in Europe. So we’ll take a pass on the highflyers, thanks. Give us the monthly dividends instead. Of course, easy enough for us to say. We “retire on dividends” folks have spent years building up a nest egg that would last us forever. Now, […]
These Monthly Dividend Stocks Are Set To Surge (And Pay Up To 6.8%)

If you’re like most folks, you’re so used to collecting dividends quarterly that it may not have occurred to you that your portfolio can pay you every month. But it’s true, thanks to a small set of stocks that delivers cash payouts month in and month out like clockwork (I’ll reveal 3 with especially juicy dividend yields—up to […]
The 7 Best Dividend Stocks For Monthly Income

These 7 stocks offer monthly dividend payments – plus the possibility of capital appreciation Monthly dividend stocks are popular with investors – and with good reason. Monthly payments line up better with monthly bills, particularly for retirees living off investment income. Over time, there’s even a modest incremental benefit from compounding, particularly for investors successfully […]
3 Monthly Dividend Stocks For A Growing Income In Retirement

See these three stocks with rock-solid businesses that will deposit a check into your bank account every month and then also give you a payraise every year. If you own any other monthly dividend stocks, consider switching them out with the three Tim Plaehn shares today. Income investors are naturally attracted to stocks that pay […]