Tag: Investing Strategies
The 3 Types Of Investors (Which Are You?)

If you want to play The Great Game of Pre-IPO Investing, you’re going to have to make a choice… A choice that could be the difference between you having a fun – but challenging – journey towards your version of personal freedom… Or a hard, miserable, and frustrating job that keeps you feeling trapped. It all has […]
Six Things You Need To Know Before Investing In Rental Properties

Amid the uncertainty created by the Coronavirus pandemic, many investors are looking for the lowest risk strategy which can still bring a reasonable return. Even in these tough times, rental properties remain one of the best investments as people always need a place to live. With the poor performance of the stock market, more and more investors […]
2 Investing Habits Losing You Money – And How To Fix Them

Tim Plaehn has pinpointed two specific habits almost all investors are guilty of and that regularly cost them money. He also shares how to fix them, and once you correct these two easy to avoid mistakes, you will immediately notice that you are booking more trades for gains and less for losses. I have the […]
Investing Mistakes: Stop Shooting Yourself In The Foot
I was flipping through my charts the other day when I came across a chart of Baker Hughes (BHI). When I first saw the chart, I shook my head in disgust. Then I let out a big sigh of discontent. Why? Take a look… As you can see, the oil service company’s stock is having […]