Tag: EPR
2 Questions You Need To Ask If You’re Worried About More Dividend Cuts

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and business resulted in a stock market crash and severe business disruption for many companies. One impact of the economic slowdown/shut-in was that many companies were forced or chose to slash common stock dividends. For example, out of the 165 equity REITs tracked by Hoya Capital […]
Pocket These Stress-Free Dividend Stocks In A World Of Worry

And investors’ No. 1 worry going into 2018 is… Geopolitical risks. In a poll on MarketWatch’s Twitter site last week, such concerns narrowly edged out the possibility of a bitcoin crash as the top reason for investor angst. If you listen to market experts, though, they’re more concerned with the current bull market hitting the […]
3 Monthly Dividend Stocks For A Growing Income In Retirement

See these three stocks with rock-solid businesses that will deposit a check into your bank account every month and then also give you a payraise every year. If you own any other monthly dividend stocks, consider switching them out with the three Tim Plaehn shares today. Income investors are naturally attracted to stocks that pay […]