Tag: Bank Stocks
More Of The Best Long Term Dividend Stocks

Last month, on a rare rainy morning in Southern California, I headed up I5 toward LA. The traffic clogged at Del Mar. Looking off through the gray dawn at the racetrack I thought about its honored guest, 2015 Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah. American Pharoah is the first horse to win the Triple Crown since […]
Financial Stocks – The Catch To Investing In Financial Stocks
Just the other day I was standing at a bank. I was there for some simple paperwork… and to open a new account. As I sat in the lobby, I was amazed at the number of people streaming in and out of the branch. I quickly realized, despite the horrible economic environment, people still need […]
Credit Card Defaults To Increase Losses For Banks
The credit crisis in the financial community continues. Despite the markets rallying off of mid-March lows, we’ve been hit by a string of bad news. Starting it off was Wachovia (WB). The board of this $43 billion bank ousted their senior management. The shares promptly fell to a new 52 week low. Then came Webster […]