RSSDividend Stocks

Tiny Stocks, Tremendous Yields: 5 Small Caps Yielding Up To 13.8%

| May 14, 2024
Tiny Stocks, Tremendous Yields: 5 Small Caps Yielding Up To 13.8%

Small-cap stocks are on sale. We can buy select names for just 8.8 times earnings and 83% of book value. Large cap stocks rarely sell this cheap. That is the problem with popularity! Which is why we’re looking small but thinking big, eyeing payouts between 7.3% and 13.8%. (Those dividends are no typos. The beauty of […]

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No Rate Cuts In ’24? I’m Not Buying It (Here’s Why And How To Profit)

| April 11, 2024
No Rate Cuts In ’24? I’m Not Buying It (Here’s Why And How To Profit)

We’ve got a great shot at locking in big yields—and big dividend growth—on utility stocks. But we need to buy now, before rates start their (inevitable) decline. I’ve got three “growth utilities”—boasting fast-growing businesses and dividends—for us to play this opportunity with below. Best part is, thanks to their healthy balance sheets, these three have a built-in “buffer” if […]

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Insider Buying Is Bullish For These Dividends Up To 7.5%

| March 26, 2024
Insider Buying Is Bullish For These Dividends Up To 7.5%

If they’re buying, we’re buying. Or we’re at least considering it. If there’s anything better than a big dividend, it’s one that is being gobbled up by the company’s own insiders. We’re talking about the officers, directors, and other members of the C-suite that are closer to the action than any analyst, reporter or investor could ever […]

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This Is Where We’ll Find Winning Stocks (And Surging Dividends) In ’24

| January 16, 2024
This Is Where We’ll Find Winning Stocks (And Surging Dividends) In ’24

Let’s cut to the chase on dividend investing in 2024: our strategy this year will be all about interest rates. Sure, there are other trends out there, like AI. And yep, there’s some steak behind the sizzle. But when it comes to grabbing fast-growing—and high-yielding—payouts at the right times, rate moves will rule the roost. That’s not much […]

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A New Year’s Resolution For Solid, Stress-Free Returns

| January 2, 2024
A New Year’s Resolution For Solid, Stress-Free Returns

Is one of your resolutions to figure out how to be more successful and less frustrated with your investment results? Prior to the final two months of the year, the stock market was volatile and frustrating. If you weren’t correctly invested at the end of October, you missed out on most of the year’s gains […]

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This Lame Stock Advice Could Cost You 8% Dividends (And Millions In Gains)

| December 7, 2023
This Lame Stock Advice Could Cost You 8% Dividends (And Millions In Gains)

When I see people touting the 60/40 portfolio, I kind of feel like Haley Joel Osment’s character in the Sixth Sense. But instead of seeing dead people, I see dead ideas. You likely know what I’m talking about: a portfolio that seeks to automatically balance risk by holding 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. It […]

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Did You Miss The Rally? 5 Still-Cheap Dividends Up To 12.3%

| November 9, 2023
Did You Miss The Rally? 5 Still-Cheap Dividends Up To 12.3%

Mr. and Ms. Market are manic. Always have been, always will be. My fellow contrarian, they reminded us of this fact yet again. Fortunately we were zigging while the broader crowd was zagging. The herd’s “FOMO panic” last week pushed many of our stocks higher. Vanilla investors covered their ill-timed short positions and scrambled to buy bargains. Like the dividend […]

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How We’re Locking In 10%+ “Forever” Yields Now

| October 17, 2023
How We’re Locking In 10%+ “Forever” Yields Now

Today, more than 18 months after the press started ringing the recession alarm, they’re still at it! And we contrarian income seekers are still happy to take the other side of that argument. After all, this overdone fear mongering has handed us an opportunity to “lock in” bigger dividend yields than we’ve been able to grab in years. Our […]

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Surviving And Thriving In An Ugly Stock Market

| October 5, 2023
Surviving And Thriving In An Ugly Stock Market

After a wonderful 2021 for stock investors, the last two years have been rough, to say the least. The next sustained bull market seems to remain in the unknown future. So let’s look at a couple of market strategies that have worked and will do so no matter how the stock market goes… It is […]

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Drugs ‘n Diapers: 5 Dividends Up To 5.9%

| September 26, 2023
Drugs ‘n Diapers: 5 Dividends Up To 5.9%

Worried that the Federal Reserve is driving our economy off a cliff? I’ve got two words for you: Drugs ‘n diapers. Actually, I forgot one. Dividends. These companies are about as recession-resistant as they come. Let’s start with drugs because, well, it’s always a bull market on prescription spend in America: While some of us are popping pills, others are […]

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