Tag: VIX options
Big Time $VIX Trades Could Mean Volatility Is About To Decrease

Big Time VIX Trades Could Mean Volatility Is About To Decrease The VIX continues to generate plenty of financial news as it remains elevated above normal levels. Volatility has started to settle in recent days, but don’t expect a complete capitulation until after the next Fed meeting. As a reminder, the VIX (S&P 500 Volatility […]
Major VIX Action Suggests Volatility Is Going To Decline

Major VIX Action Suggests Volatility Is Going To Decline The VIX has been front and center in the financial news lately with all the volatility that’s hit the market the past couple weeks. The collapse of the Chinese economy is spooking investors and adding a sizeable level of uncertainty to US financial markets. As a […]
Does Recent VIX Action Suggest A Market Meltdown Is Coming?

Does Recent VIX Action Suggest A Market Meltdown Is Coming? Savvy investors know that VIX options are always worth keeping an eye on. It’s where the smart money tends to execute important trading strategies and portfolio hedges. Some of the biggest trades you’ll ever see happen in the VIX options pit. Of course, the VIX […]
Is This Large VIX Trade Signaling An End To Investor Fear?

Is This Large VIX Trade Signaling An End To Investor Fear? There’s a reason the VIX is often called the investor ‘fear gauge’. The benchmark volatility index is often the first place to see when investors start increasing the hedges on their portfolio. Of course, hedges tend to increase along with investor concern over a […]
These VIX Trades Signal Higher Volatility Is On The Way

These VIX Trades Signal Higher Volatility Is On The Way As you probably know if you read my articles on a regular basis, overall market volatility is most commonly tracked by watching the VIX. The VIX (S&P 500 Volatility Index) is a measure of implied volatility levels on S&P 500 options. VIX is popular because […]
Another Interesting, Giant VIX Trade Happened

Another Interesting, Giant VIX Trade Happened As an options trader, you should always have a general idea of what’s going on with volatility. You don’t necessarily have to master the concept. But, the more you know about the topic, the better off you tend to be. As you know, overall market volatility is most commonly […]
How Is The VIX Reacting To The Fed Meeting?

How Is The VIX Reacting To The Fed Meeting? As an options trader, you can’t understate the importance of volatility. You don’t necessarily have to master the concept to be a good options trader. But, the more you know about the topic, the better off you tend to be. As you know, overall market volatility […]
What’s This Massive VIX Options Trade Telling Us?

If you’ve been reading my articles for any length of time, you know I often like to point out unusual options trades. Typically, once a week I’ll cover a couple trades which are either much bigger than normal or on stocks with historically low activity. However, sometimes I’ll come across a really interesting trade worth […]