Tag: Put Option
Options Trading: Understanding Put-Call Parity

If I had a nickel for every time someone told me they love covered calls for their conservative income generation, but would never sell a naked put because that’s too risky, I could retire from trading. The fact is a covered call is exactly the same, in terms of both risk and reward, of selling a […]
Why It’s Not Too Late To Protect Your Portfolio

A few years ago there was an Interactive Broker (IBKR) commercial that used to run with frequency showing a woman arriving late for dinner saying, “Sorry, the market’s a mess, it’s down 2% and everyone’s selling, I needed to get some hedges on.” Can you imagine a 2% decline inducing a rush to hedge? What […]
5 Attractive Dividend Growth Options

If you’re looking for a source of income in your portfolio, but all of the dividend growth stocks you like seem expensive, then you may want to consider selling put options. It’s a way to collect some extra income now, and if the stock price falls far enough in the future then you get to […]
Here’s The Truth About Portfolio Hedging
Confused about how to hedge your stock and ETF portfolio? If so, you’re in luck. In a moment, I’m going to show you the simplest way to hedge your stocks and stock-based ETFs. But before I say any more… I first need to expose a few dangerous hedging techniques you should ignore like the plague. […]