Tag: private equity
Alternative Investments You Might Want To Consider

Traditional investments like cash, stocks, bonds, ETFs or exchange-traded funds, and mutual funds are typically the preferred options of investors. There are others, though, who choose to be a little adventurous and look for alternative investments. What are Alternative Investments? Alternative investments are financial assets that are non-traditional or unconventional. Many investors who prefer alternative […]
Private Equity – Goldman Sachs’ Recent News
If you spend enough time on Wall Street, you learn that there are two types of investors. Smart money, and dumb money. The smart money is always ringing the cash register and pocketing millions of dollars. The dumb money… well… they’re not. There’s a little known third group of investors who don’t fit in either […]
Raising Cash At Shareholders’ Expense
Have you ever noticed that some people are always successful? They must have been born under a lucky star. You know ‘em. They’re the ones with the beautiful girlfriend or wife. They have perfect kids, make great money, and were just nominated by Time magazine as the person of the year. By the way they […]