Tag: emergency fund

Top 4 Financial Milestones To Consider Reaching Before You Retire

| February 2, 2018 | 0 Comments
Top 4 Financial Milestones To Consider Reaching Before You Retire

Today I have the honor of featuring a guest post from a terrific writer. James Paul is a financial educator and blogs about money management, personal finance, college financing and retirement. HisĀ personal finance blogĀ delves into financial wellness topics and the integration of money matters into life. Enjoy the post! Planning to retire anytime soon? Have […]

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8 Personal Finance Moves I Wish I Knew Before Turning 30

| October 4, 2017 | 0 Comments
8 Personal Finance Moves I Wish I Knew Before Turning 30

I am now 32 and I am sadly just starting to mature with my personal finance moves. I guess better late than never but I still get a knot in my stomach every time I think about the time I wasted. Today I want to talk about 8 personal finance moves I think every twenty-something […]

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10 Steps To Organized Finances

| September 1, 2017 | 0 Comments
10 Steps To Organized Finances

Maybe you’re sitting there looking through credit card statements and bank transactions wondering how the heck you got yourself into this financial mess. Or maybe you think you’re on the right track but not quite sure what you need to work on next. Today I’m going to break your finances down for you into 10 […]

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