Tag: dividend payments

Preferred Stock Income “On Sale” Right Now

| May 5, 2022
Preferred Stock Income “On Sale” Right Now

Stock market disruptions create opportunities for investors who can differentiate between investments that are in trouble versus those that are not. Lower prices provide the potential for great long-term returns, and with rising interest rates and stocks in correction territory, preferred stocks offer an excellent opportunity to lock in long-term high yields. Here are a […]

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What To Look For In Earnings Reports From Dividend Stocks

| October 19, 2021
What To Look For In Earnings Reports From Dividend Stocks

Every quarter, companies report their earnings. And every quarter new investors ask what to look for in earnings reports from dividend stocks. Most companies follow a calendar quarter, so I will be digging through a flood of third-quarter earnings reports over the next four weeks. While I review hundreds of company earnings reports, I focus […]

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Are Hotel REITs Attractive Again?

| June 22, 2021
Are Hotel REITs Attractive Again?

Many investors are playing the recovery trade, looking for those stocks and companies that are not yet out of the pandemic woods, but should see a substantial improvement in their business results as the economy continues to open. Hospitality and travel-related companies are popular stocks for this investment strategy. However, with the hospitality-related REITs, shares […]

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Your Dividend Life Raft For Unsettled Markets

| March 4, 2021 | 0 Comments
Your Dividend Life Raft For Unsettled Markets

The first two months of 2021 were marked by heightened stock market volatility. I am sure you watched the GameStop stock price game, where billions were made and then lost. Shares of high-flying Tesla (TSLA) have lost 20% in a few short weeks. For investors who bought at $900, looking at a $700 share price illustrates the […]

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These Four High-Yield Stocks Make Value Investing Attractive To Investors

| July 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
These Four High-Yield Stocks Make Value Investing Attractive To Investors

The financial news focuses on the major stock market indexes. These are the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the S&P 500, and the NASDAQ Composite Index (NASDAQ). However, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on different sectors of the economy has these indexes painting an incomplete picture of what’s happening in the U.S. stock market. […]

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These Three High Yield Stocks Get Bullish Analyst Ratings During The Bear Market

| May 12, 2020 | 0 Comments
These Three High Yield Stocks Get Bullish Analyst Ratings During The Bear Market

The pandemic-triggered stock market selloff has been incredibly tough on income investors, and the dividend-paying stocks they like to own. In the current market, investors have been drawn to big-name companies whose business was uninterrupted by the crisis. This group pays small or no dividends. Several factors have kept dividend-paying stocks down, but that means […]

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These Three Popular Dividend Stocks Might Have A Place In Your Portfolio

| April 16, 2020 | 0 Comments
These Three Popular Dividend Stocks Might Have A Place In Your Portfolio

The COVID-19 crisis-driven stock market crash has investors taking a different approach to stock selection. The economic shutdown has all of us taking a different look at different stocks, compared to what investors were most interested in before the market dived. Three Questions You Need to Ask First Here are some factors concerning individual stocks […]

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These Stocks Are Expected To Raise Dividends With February Earnings Reports

| January 24, 2020 | 0 Comments
These Stocks Are Expected To Raise Dividends With February Earnings Reports

The stock market is an interesting world. Stocks trade every business day. Analysts and financial writers publish numerous opinion pieces every day. For popular stocks, you can find new things to read every day. Even less popular companies are reviewed and rated several times a month. Conversely, publicly-traded corporations typically release “real news” financial information […]

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Five Reasons Why It’s Great To Be A Dividend Growth Investor During Market Turmoil

| August 7, 2019 | 0 Comments
Five Reasons Why It’s Great To Be A Dividend Growth Investor During Market Turmoil

I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone out there that the US stock market has been volatile over the last few days. An escalation of the US-China trade war, along with what now might be a currency war on top of it, has only added to concerns after a Federal Reserve interest rate cut […]

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Three High-Yield Stocks For You To Safely Ride Out For The Coming Recession

| March 27, 2019 | 0 Comments
Three High-Yield Stocks For You To Safely Ride Out For The Coming Recession

The next U.S. economic recession is coming. Guaranteed! It is likely that you are reading many predictions concerning the next recession. Last year the pundits were predicting one for 2019. Now I am seeing more predictions for a recession in 2020 or 2021. These predictions are mostly about marketing, because the people making the guesses […]

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