Tag: Commodity
3 Good Yields In Energy We’ll Soon Buy As GREAT Yields

The broader market, as defined by the S&P 500, has rallied like crazy. But don’t worry, you haven’t “missed out” on anything. The rally has been carried by large, and largely non-dividend paying stocks! Most income plays are just now getting up off the mat. We’ll discuss one of my favorites today. Energy, for example, is in the […]
Chaos In The Oil Markets Explained

Whitney Tilson’s email to investors discussing his colleague Berna Barshay on the chaos in the oil markets. The Chaos In The Oil Market After more than 25 years since my first day on the trading floor, it’s not often that I see something that I’ve never seen before – and never thought I’d see! But yesterday was […]
Have Gold And Bitcoin Seen The Worst Of Their Bubble Bursts?

You know I’ve been fighting the gold bugs for a long time. Gold is an inflation hedge, not a deflation hedge. Turn to gold for safety during a deflationary period and you’ll get your ass handed to you on a golden platter! Gold is simply another commodity and it burst in the 30-year cycle top between 2008 and 2011, […]
Investors Facing Crude Facts

Shell-shocked investors are shifting their attention away from tariffs to the world’s most important commodity — crude oil. The U.S. and China are locked in a brutal struggle on trade policy, but they agree on at least one thing: they’d like to see lower oil prices. President Trump recently declared as much, complaining in a tweet […]
Where Do We Go From Here In 2017?

Where to now… after what 2016 dished out? First, there was the surprise upset of the presidential election of dear old Donald. Then came the surprise shift in sentiment about the election. Before, he was a wrecking ball. After, he’s suddenly Jesus walking on water. Never mind that he’s already pissed off China… twice! Or […]
Trump Could Fuel A Nuclear Energy Boom In 2017

With Trump at the helm, sentiment gives way to practicality in the energy industry. For the vast untapped potential of the nuclear energy industry and the uranium that feeds it, this could contribute to a market-disrupting revival that no longer bows to fear and the politics of economy. While there have been some oversupply issues […]