Tag: CEFs
5 Discounted Monthly Dividends Paying Up To 11.4%

Every legendary investor worth their salt has some sort of phrase to describe what investors should be doing right this very minute. “Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful.” “Buy when there’s blood in the streets.” Largely speaking, most stocks on the market are on sale to some extent. And […]
3 Easy Ways To “Crash-Proof” Your Portfolio, Grab 7%+ Dividends

With the swift stock-market decline we’ve seen since the start of 2022, and now, you can be forgiven if your stomach tightens just a bit when you go to check your retirement account. So today I’m going to give you my three best tips for securing your hard-earned cash—and even better, locking in a dividend stream you […]
How To Work Today’s Inflation Fears For 6%+ Dividends And Big Upside

I’m hearing from a lot of CEF Insider members who are worried about inflation these days, and there’s a good reason why: consumer prices raced up 6.2% in October from a year ago! The good news is that we’ve got an easy setup that lets us work inflation fears to our advantage, grabbing ourselves bigger dividends, and […]
3 Punchy Preferred Funds Yielding 6.2%-6.9%

Most income investors limit themselves to mere “common” dividends. But there’s no need for us to settle for 2% blue-chip yields when we can bank 6%+ payouts from the same companies. Let’s use Bank of America (BAC) as our example. The stock should keep sailing as the 10-year Treasury rate grinds higher. Common shares of BAC yield […]
3 Funds That Could Pay You Huge 7%+ Dividends Ranked Worst To First

These days, many of the dividend investors I talk to feel squeezed between: Weak yields (which have plunged as stocks have surged) and High taxes (which are likely to rise further). You’re no doubt feeling this pinch, too. The good news is that there’s an investment that lets you wiggle out of this trap, regularly offering steady-as-she-goes […]
A 3-Fund Portfolio for 10% Dividends

This “stocks-up, yields-down” market is clobbering income investors. With stock prices floating higher, yields are crumbling to dust: with the 1.3% payout on the typical S&P 500 stock—a 20-year low—you’d need to invest $2.2 million to get just $2,500 a month in dividends! (And let’s not forget that the typical S&P 500 stock pays dividends quarterly, not […]
The Beautiful, Boring Secret To Landing 7% Dividends

As Wall Street loses its mind over a long bond that pays a lousy 1%, we level-headed income investors are going to stay calm. And 7.7% on. Yes, we “prefer” (hint, hint) dividends that are 7X the weak 1% yield the wonks are clamoring about. I’ll get to the specifics on these retirement makers—which we can […]
5 Dividends Up To 10.8% To Buy On This Dip

Are you trying to grind out a livable retirement on dividends alone? It’s possible, and it doesn’t require millions and millions already in the bank. (Even today, with interest rates in the tank.) However, we must step outside the mainstream to achieve this. After all, why mess around with a standard $15,600 a year in retirement income […]
How To Invest In CEFs (For 8% Dividends, 20%+ Upside)

Let’s be honest: there are a ton of ways to collect passive income out there. But there’s only one that’s easy to get into (no matter how much money you have!), generates yearly cash payouts of 8% or more and is used by billionaire investment gurus on the regular. I’m talking about an often-overlooked investment called a closed end fund […]