Tag: best REITs
5 REITs To Buy For Big-Time Gains This Year

REITs are among the biggest bargains these days Despite the evidence that real estate investment trusts (REITs) actually do well during periods of tightening, the sector has been hit particularly hard as the Federal Reserve has ratcheted-up rates. Over the last six months, the Vanguard Real Estate ETF (NYSEARCA:VNQ) is down by roughly 5%. That decline plays […]
5 Great REITs To Buy As Inflation Surges

These REITs have the goods to beat inflation One of the biggest misconceptions in investing has to do with real estate investment trusts (REITs) and rising interest rates. As a high-yielding security — thanks to their tax structures — dividend-hungry people often look for REITs to buy to pad their portfolios. However, common wisdom is […]
4 Of The Best REITs To Buy Now

These 4 REIT-oriented investments have strong potential for both income and profits Technological change and demographic shifts have seemingly touched every industry in one form or another. Real estate is no exception, and some of the best real estate investment trusts (REITs) to buy now touch upon these shifts. They have seen monumental shifts that […]