Tag: Nat Gas Act
A Huge Opportunity In Natural Gas Fueling Infrastructure!

After enduring a hefty 8-month slide, Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE) is back on investors’ radar. In fact, CLNE has surged nearly 20% over the past few days thanks to a promising development. Take a look… What’s going on? The company announced a $200 million financing agreement with General Electric (GE) on November 13th. The deal […]
Natural Gas Act: Is It Finally About To Pass?
The energy sector rumor mill is running at full speed. Now I’m not one for rumors, especially when it comes to investing. But I’ll admit… this one has me excited. What tidbit could possibly be so juicy? The Nat Gas Act (H.R. 1380) is once again under serious consideration by lawmakers. In case you don’t […]
NAT GAS Act: US Energy Policy Needs Action
We’ve reached a defining moment in US history. The global economy is on the brink of falling into another recession. Americans need jobs. And the US government needs to cut spending and balance the budget. It seems like a no-brainer for Congress to address our energy policy. The amount of money we spend importing oil […]
NAT GAS Act Needs Your Support
Memorial Day weekend kicked off the summer driving season. It’s the time of year when families pile into their cars for a road trip. I joined in on the action with a 1,000 mile round trip to LEGOLAND California. It was a great weekend getaway. But I’m afraid rising gas prices could eventually put an […]
Make A Killing When Natural Gas Prices Rebound
There’s a big question weighing on the minds of energy investors these days… When are Natural Gas prices going to rebound? Well, Nat. gas has been in the dumpster for a while now. A fact most energy investors are very aware of. Activity in this commodity has been a little dull for most of 2010. […]