Tag: Fiscal Cliff Investing
Hi-Ho… Hi-Ho… Over The Cliff We Go…

Guess what… Washington politicians are taking their sweet time finding a Fiscal Cliff compromise. What? That doesn’t surprise you? … me either. Weeks of partisanship bickering has Congress coming down to the wire. And now, with only a few days left to avert the cliff, investors are clearly getting worried. In fact, once investors realized […]
How Low Could The Markets Go? The Answer May Shock You…

Well, in terms of market performance, President Obama’s second term isn’t exactly starting off on the right foot. Since he won reelection, it’s fair to say stocks have been in free fall. In fact, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down over 600 points, while the technology heavy Nasdaq is down 160 points. And let’s […]
Get Ready For A 20% Market Plunge?

With the S&P 500 trading at its highest level since May 2008, you’d think Wall Street analysts and big-wig investors would be sharpening their bullish horns. But it isn’t the case. In fact, stock market bears are starting to roar… For example, Goldman Sachs analyst, David Kostin, has the S&P 500 trading at 1,250 by […]