Tag: EXC
My Personal “Set-It-And-Forget-It” Plan For 10% Dividends, 100% Upside

The mainstream crowd has gotten way too greedy—which means we could be in the teeth of a stock-market selloff within weeks. Most folks hear the word “selloff” and gasp. But not us contrarian dividend hounds! We know that volatility is our friend. It’s easy to see this just by looking at what the market’s done in the […]
5 Dividend Stocks That Haven’t Yet Rallied – But Will

We contrarians stayed calm through the market’s fourth quarter hissy fit. We not only held onto our shares through November and December but we also added dividend payers opportunistically to our portfolios. Now, it’s time for us to be a bit more conservative. Most US stocks have rallied so much that they are now “overbought.” This […]