Tag: corn
2016 Commodity Outlook: El Niño To Shake Things Up?

2016 Commodity Outlook: Will These Oversold Assets Reverse Course? In recent weeks, we’ve been discussing what’s in store for commodities in 2016. After a disastrous 2015, investors are searching for signs of a bottom in assets like crude oil, gold, corn, and coffee. Let’s pick up right where we left off… In the first part […]
Corn Is Surging… Here’s How You Profit!

I hate to say it, but your grocery bill may be going up in the near future… Corn, the course grain that goes into thousands of products on the grocery aisle, is surging. As a matter of fact, spot corn shot from $5.60 per bushel on June 1st to just over $6.50 as of yesterday’s […]
Profiting From The Movement Of Grains
Lately, all of the news has been focused on two major commodities… oil and gold. Gold has spent several months dancing with the $1,000 level. Just look at a chart on this commodity. It jumps higher, then just as quickly falls back. Oil, on the other hand, looks more like a rollercoaster than a commodity […]
High Corn Prices Hurt Ethanol Producers
Oil is getting out of hand. $119 per barrel. Who has that kind of money. It won’t be long before we see Gasoline prices over $3.50. Oh, wait, we’re already there! I used to fill my gas tank for $20 and get money back. Now, I fork over $40 and I’m lucky to get enough […]
Buy DuPont To Profit From Rising Agricultural Commodity Prices
Have you been watching the markets over the last few weeks? If you have you know how poorly the stock market has been performing (we’re now testing the 12,000 level). You also know that one part of the market is doing extremely well – commodities. The commodities markets are doing so well that most are […]